Disney XD's "Kirby Buckets": Behind the Scenes with the Stars
YH pays a visit to the set of Disney XD's "Kirby Buckets", where we take a tour of the set and chat with the stars of the show! Kirby himself, AKA Jacob Bertrand, shows us around the various sets, including his bedroom, the market, and the school, where we also run into his on-screen BFFs, Cade Sutton and Mekai Curtis, as well as the show's creators Gabe Snyder and Mike Alber! Plus, we take a detour into the wardrobe department where leading ladies Olivia Stuck and Tiffany Espensen show off their characters' clothes!
"Kirby Buckets" premieres on Monday, October 20 at 8:00 pm, ET/PT on Disney XD